Laser therapy is an integrative medical treatment method to support the body’s own physiological regeneration processes. Laser acupuncture is one of the terrific options of therapeutic effects of light. All known acupuncture points can be treated highly effective.
The compact and intense Asian Laser Seminar (one day webinar) will cover the basic knowledge of medical laser therapy and a range of important therapeutic concepts for Laser-acupuncture and Photo-Bio-Modulation (PBM). The participants will benefit from the more than 30 years of clinical experience of Dr. Weber and the European Laser clinics. The European Laser and TCM Laser Academy aims for spreading the knowledge of successful laser therapy will lead to the highest standard of modern efficacious low-level-laser-therapy (LLLT).
After the seminar the participants will be able to perform laser therapy successfully directly in their daily practice.
Saturday, 07.08.2021
05.00 MEZ = 13.00 Hongkong (HKG) / 12.00 Taiwan (TWN)
Start of Webinar
05.00 MEZ = 13.00 HKG / 12.00 Taipei to 06:30 MEZ = 14:30 HKG = 13:30 TWN
90 min Fundamental Physical and Technical Basis of LLLT / PBM
06.30 MEZ = 14.30 HKG / 13.30 TWN to 06:45 MEZ = 14:45 HKG = 13:45 TWN
15 min Break
06:45 MEZ = 14:45 HKG = 13:45 TWN to 08:15 MEZ = 16:15 HKG = 15:15 TWN
90 min Cellular and systemic effects of PBM
08:15 MEZ = 16:15 HKG = 15:15 TWN to 08:45 MEZ = 16:45 HKG = 15:45 TWN
30 min Break
08:45 MEZ = 16:45 HKG = 15:45 TWN to 10:15 MEZ = 18:15 HKG = 17:15 TWN
90 min Laser-Acupuncture and Resonance Therapy
10:15 MEZ = 18:15 HKG = 17:15 TWN to 10.30 MEZ = 18:30 HKG = 17:30 TWN
15 min Pause
10.30 MEZ = 18:30 HKG = 17:30 TWN to 11.30 MEZ = 19:30 HKG = 18:30 TWN
60 min Laser-acupuncture and PBM in Wound healing + Q+A
11.30 MEZ = 19:30 Hongkong = 18:30 Taiwan
Registration Form European Laser Academy – Asian Webinar August 2021
Laseracupuncture and Low Level Laser Therapy / LLLT (ENGLISH SEMINARS)
Saturday, August 7 th 2021; price 50.00 € PERSONAL DATA
Fee of 50.00€ will be transferred prior to webinar
transfer to: Bank-Account: Michael Weber; Bank: Sparkasse Vest – Recklinghausen; IBAN: DE16 4265 0150 0090 2504 08; BIC WELADED1REK
Directly after receiving the fee each participant will receive an individual and exclusive access code for joining the webinar.