Laser therapy is an integrative medical treatment method to support the body’s own physiological regeneration processes. Laser therapy can be used in treating back pain, joint pain, cancer, osteoarthritis, atopic dermatitis, wound healing disorders, diabetic ulcers, hypertrophic scars, rosacea and acne etc.
This compact Seminar will cover the basic knowledge of medical laser therapy and a range of important therapeutic concepts for Laser Acupuncture and Photo-BioModulation (PBM). The participants will benefit from the more than 30 years of clinical experience of Dr. Weber and the European Laser clinics.
Laser Acupuncture offers therapist many new opportunities and therapeutic possibilities, especially in children and adults with needle phobias. The curative application of light is known for centuries. Laser therapy is a consistent adva ncement of this tradition: Light can heal.
Laser Acupuncture is one of the terrific options of therapeutic effects of light. All known acupuncture points can be treated using laser effectively.
Michael Weber was born in Berlin, studied chemistry in Bochum and medicine at the Westfälische\Nilhelms University in Münster, scholarship and studies at the University ofVVaIes in Cardiff and Memorial University of Newfoundland / Canada.
Dr Weber did his doctor thesis “cum laude” at the University of Muenster on the effects of Gallopamil-Hyd rochloride in patients with coronary artery disease.
He started his consultant training at the Pediatric Department of the Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s, Canada; he worked in pediatric surgery in Dortmund / Academic Teaching Hospital of University Hospital in Bochum and later on at the VestischeKinderklinik/ University of Witten – Herdecke.
Michael Weber is considered one of Europe’s leading experts in the field of “functional medicine” and “mitochondrial medicine”. For many years he has been working successfully on the combination of the “Bioenergetic approaches” of basic physiology and mitochondrial medicine. Dr. Weber has developed successful treatrnent approaches for various diseases in: ADHD, concentration problems, sleep disturbances, allergic rhinitis, and allergic conjunctivitis, healthy aging, natural skin rejuvenation. Recently his main focus is on Photodynamic Therapy / PDT and photo-bio-modulation in infertility, chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer.
Another scientific and clinical focus is laser treatrnent (Low and High Power Laser with resonances) for skin diseases: atopic dermatitis, wound healing disorders, diabetic ulcers, hypertrophic scars, rosacea and Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) for acne.
Iin collaboration with University Sigmaringen Dr. Weber did extensive research on influence of LLLT on different skin tissues, such as fibroblast. Some of this research is part of his unique facial rejuvenation concept.
Michael Weber did a lot of substantial research, was a speaker at international conferences in Europe and America, and did publications and organization of international congresses, among others on CoEnzymQIO and antioxidants. He lectures on mitochondrial medicine and nutritional therapy at home and abroad since the 90s. Author of the laid in 10 runs the book: “CoEnzymQIO — key substance for a healthy life” and “QIO-The success story of a vital substance”. Dr. Weber is a lecturer as part of the continuing education on pain and palliative medicine at the University ofVVitten Herdecke. During the last years he was in example invited speaker on Laser Therapy and PDT in Rothenburg, in Riga, London, Liverpool, Chengdu / China, Taiwan, Switzerland, Singapore. – Taiwan Pain Society 2015, Taiwan International Laser Congress 2016, British Medical Acupuncture Association 2016 in Reading / London, Teheran / Iran, regular lecturer at ISLA (International Society for Medical Laser Applications) Congress in Beverungen / Germany and Bangkok/ Thailand etc.
In 2012 he published a comprehensive textbook on LLLT and Laser Therapy.
Since 1998, Dr. Weber treats independently as a specialist in a Laser clinic in Recklinghausen, since 2006 he js director of t Center for TCM, Mitochondrial and Preventive Medicine in Senden near Muenster. He works on a holistic health program wi h nutritional advice, orthomolecular medicine, immune therapy and photo-immuno- therapy.
His main topic is PDT in severe infectious diseases and cancer. — Together with Professor J. Bergem nmfrom Universi y
Sigmaringen / Department of Biology and Genetics and Prof. Matthias Wojcik from University Of Marb rg / Department f Pharmacology Dr. Weber is working extensively on scientific research on PDT. Dr. Weber conducted se eral studies on PDT cancer treatments and sensitivity measures of CTC (circulating turnor cells) together with the University Duesseldorß Germany.
Dr. Weber is head of the European Laser Academy.