Laser therapy

Laser therapy: light can cure

Laser acupuncture offers to the TCM therapist many new opportunities and therapeutic possibilities, especially in children and adults with needle phobias. The seminars will be based on the millenniums old principles of traditional Chinese medicine with reference to specific diseases as well as to special treatment groups like babies and toddlers. The curative application of light has a tradition at least as long as the TCM. Laser therapy is a consistent advancement of this tradition: Light can heal. Hence, it is the aim of our seminars to provide the most important therapeutic principles at the first weekend and to provide more detailed information in advanced seminars.

Introductory Seminars

Examples of the laser:

Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance

Time & Prices

Saturday: 9.30 – 12.30 and 14.00 – 17.00 o’ clock

Sunday: 9.00 – 12.00 and 13.00 – 15.00 o’ clock

Participation fee: 350,00 €



For registration please return the signed registration form and send payment of the participation fee of 350 € (incl. drinks, lunch, and scripts) to the account of Dr. Michael Weber, number 0010105815 at the Sparkasse Vest Recklinghausen, BLZ 426 501 50.
IBAN: DE91 4265 0150 0010 1058 15; BIC WELADED1REK